Sunset Bay Association

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Hanover Town Beach

South Shore Drive, Sunset Bay 

Irving, NY 14081


Sunset Bay Beach

1028 South Shore Drive

Irving, NY 14081 


Chautauqua County Beach Closings

Keep our Beaches Clean


Every year, truckloads of plastic and glass bottles, food wrappers, snack bags and other refuse are littered on our beaches or wash up on the lake shore. Please help make our beaches and our lakes beautiful for ourselves and for our kids.

This is where our children play.  Let's try to keep it clean for them.

Here are some things you can do:

  • Pick up after yourself; don't leave any trash behind.
  • "If you see something, say something" - if you see someone littering our beaches, remind them to keep our beaches clean for our kids and to pick up their trash.
  • If you're out for a walk on the beach, bring a small garbage bag with you and pick-up plastics or other litter as you walk.
  • Secure loose items in your boat to prevent accidental littering.
  • Properly dispose of septic waste - it feeds the weeds and algae.
  • Properly maintain your boat and keep paints, solvents, antifreeze, fuel and lubricants out of the water. 
  • Join us for our Spring and Fall Cleanup Events.


Fishing License and Regulations

Transform your NYS Driver's License into an all-purpose Sporting and Recreation License: New York's Adventure License Series.

Freshwater Fishing Regulations Guide

Fishing Hotlines/News - weekly updates on information such as fishing locations, fishing conditions, and types of fish found in the waters of New York State.

Places to Fish

Fishing Hotlines
Great Lakes Fishing
Stream Fishing
Chautauqua County Lake Contour Maps
Public Boat Launches

Use the NY Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife mobile app to find a favorite fishing spot

Learn to Fish

Free Fishing Clinics offer anglers a chance to learn about the sport of fishing for free!
I FISH NY Beginners' Guide to Freshwater Fishing
Taking a child fishing: tips for making your trip enjoyable for your child!

Angler Awards

Caught a big fish? See if it qualifies for the New York Freshwater Angler Achievement Awards Program.

Freshwater State records

Protect Your Waters!

Anglers and boaters can spread invasive species. Learn what you can do to stop aquatic hitchhikers.

Contact DEC Fisheries/ Regional Information - Information for contacting the Bureau of Fisheries.


Lake Erie Wine Country

Located on a 50-mile stretch of Lake Erie shoreline from Silver Creek, NY to Harborcreek, Pa.


Rosebrook Golf Course

12486 Beebe Rd 


Tri-County Golf Course

540 Route 39

Other Chautauqua Co Courses

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